Resources for Refugees
As millions of Ukrainians face the difficult decision to evacuate their homes to find safety, their most desperate needs are sometimes for timely, accurate information.
Our volunteers connect directly with Ukrainian refugees via Facebook and Telegram to help them navigate everything from evacuation routes and border crossings to pet care and accessing humanitarian resources abroad. If you or someone you know needs real-time evacuation information, or to be connected with volunteers on the ground in Ukraine to access food, medical supplies, or aid, please reach out with the channels below.
Refugee Resources
How do I access resources for Ukrainians throughout the EU? How can I connect to local families who can help? Where can I go from here? How can I find work? This information thread helps those who have already escaped the fighting and made it into a neighbor country. Resources here help refugees find housing and aid, locate loved ones, get legal help, and more.
New: Legal information network for Ukrainians seeking to enter the United States!
Evacuation Information
How do I leave my area? When is the next evacuation train? Which roads are open for car travel, and which borders can I cross? We gather, catalogue, and maintain up-to-date answers to these questions and more on our thread in order to help thousands of people in Ukraine find their way to safety.
Direct Help, Right Now
For Ukrainians facing the realities of war, and the confusion of navigating a safe way out of a war zone, direct access to someone who can help can be a lifeline. Our dedicated team will work with you—in English, Ukrainian, or Russian—to share resources, connect you to Ukrainians volunteering on-the-ground, and guide you to information. Real people ready to help you are just a click away.
New York Communities for Ukrainian Refugees
For Ukrainians arriving in New York, or New Yorkers who want to help Ukrainian refugees, this Facebook group coordinates aid, shelter, and access to resources.
Contact Our Volunteers
Sergey Shirokov | Facebook | Telegram: @supershiros
Elly Alenka | Facebook
Marina Sakirski-Hrabrov | Facebook | Telegram: @tellallthetruth
Hanna Starobin | Facebook | Telegram: @hannastarobin
Can you help refugees?
If you’re looking to help Ukrainian refugees by hosting new arrivals; providing legal, medical, or financial assistance; helping refugees find work; offering neighborhood orientation, childcare or meals; providing translation services, or any other aid or guidance to help their difficult transition, we want to hear from you.